Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How many competitions does a Category H Shooter have to complete each year per min participation requirements
A: If you have only one Class it is 6 competition shoots on separate days. If you have more than one class of H Category Firearm then it is 4 competition shoots PER class on separate days in the calendar year.
Q: How long will my initial license application take?
A: Depending on your current licensing, state legislation, current demands on licensing and your genuine reason this can vary. Minimum mandatory waiting periods apply. Your State Firearms Registry and Legislation will provide more specific details for your state/territory.
Q: Do i need to have different safe storage for different categories of firearms i am licensed for?
A: Yes, consult your state/territory legislation - Firearms Registry Website for details of the differing storage requirements between categories of firearms. (Remembering you must have this in place PRIOR to applying or acquiring firearms and is subject to site visit compliance audits by the Police.
Q: Do Secure storage requirements apply when travelling with firearms?
A: Yes! You must comply with State/Territory legislation for the State/Territory that you are travelling through/in in relation to transportation and storage and licensing requirements including secure storage in your vehicle. (Remember what is permissible to have in one state may be a prohibited item in another state - Do your homework and ensure you are legally compliant at all times)
Q: Can i store ammunition with my firearms?
A: No! Ammunition MUST be stored separately from the firearm. Ammunition must also be secured to prevent access from unauthorized/licensed persons. Consult your State/Territory legislation for more details)
Q: Can i use my Category H Handgun for Recreational activities on private property?
A: No! Category H Firearms are licensed for Sports and Target Shooting ONLY on an approved range (Remember you need to be a financial member of an approved Pistol Club which supports your genuine reason and your club has reporting responsibilities to the State/Territory registry on your participation.