The following is a summary of crossbow legislation information provided as a guide only, please consult your Local State/Territory Firearms Registry/Police Service for current legislative requirements.
QUEENSLAND - You need a genuine reason for a Cat M Crossbow license and undertake a course of crossbow safety training as delivered by an approved organization and then apply for a Category M (crossbow) license. You need a permit to acquire each crossbow from Queensland Police per the normal firearms permit to acquire and transaction brokerage process. Shooting is allowed on private property that meets specific criteria and written permission being required. Target shooting is only allowed on licensed crossbow ranges. Crossbow hunting is legal in Queensland.
NEW SOUTH WALES and ACT - Crossbows are prohibited in both NSW & ACT jurisdictions, it is possible to obtain a permit for genuine target shooting at recognized archery clubs. Further details available by contacting the NSW and ACT Firearms Registry Branches of their respective Police Services. Crossbow hunting is illegal in both NSW & ACT.
VICTORIA –Legislation requires all crossbow owners/shooters to apply for permission. Further details available by contacting the Victorian Firearms Registry Branch of the Victoria Police.
SOUTH AUSTRALIA - Crossbows are classified as Prohibited Weapons in SOUTH AUSTRALIA. No license or permit is required and there are exemptions for hunters and target shooters under the Regulations. Sales to those under 18 years of age are not allowed.
TASMANIA - Crossbows are prohibited in TASMANIA. You need to apply to the Police Commissioner for permission to own and use a crossbow. Target shooting is only allowed on licensed crossbow ranges. Crossbow hunting is illegal in Tasmania.
WESTERN AUSTRALIA - Crossbows are prohibited weapons in WESTERN AUSTRALIA. Only those people who were members of an Archery Australia affiliated club prior to 30 June 2010 were eligible to request a Ministerial Permit to own and use a crossbow.